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刷怪箱(Monster Spawner)(别称:生物刷怪箱(Mob Spawner))是Minecraft中用于生成生物的方块。Advent of Ascension在游戏中添加了许多刷怪箱。

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刷怪箱列表[ | ]


图片 刷怪箱 生成物 生成
Amphibior Spawner 艾菲莉亚刷怪箱 艾菲莉亚 水能城堡顶楼有2个艾菲莉亚刷怪箱。
Amphibiyte Spawner 安佛比亚刷怪箱 安佛比亚 安佛比亚洞穴中有4个安佛比亚刷怪箱。
Angelica Spawner 骸骨天使刷怪箱 骸骨天使 监管者之塔的底部有1个骸骨天使刷怪箱。它也会生成于远古神殿大厅柱子中。
Arc Wizard Spawner 电弧巫师刷怪箱 电弧巫师 电弧巫师检查点中有4个电弧巫师刷怪箱。
Arkzyne Spawner 瓦塞尔刷怪箱 瓦塞尔 瓦塞尔哨所顶部有1个瓦塞尔刷怪箱。
Arocknid Spawner 元素蜘蛛刷怪箱 元素蜘蛛 元素蜘蛛巢穴中有1个元素蜘蛛刷怪箱。
Banshee Spawner 女妖刷怪箱 女妖 噩梦城堡二楼有1个女妖刷怪箱。
Baumba Spawner 雷沃刷怪箱 雷沃 太空角斗场顶楼有2个雷沃刷怪箱。
Bloodsucker Spawner 血之吮吸者刷怪箱 血之吮吸者 远古神殿大厅柱子中有血之吮吸者刷怪箱。
Cane Bug Spawner 拐杖糖虫刷怪箱 拐杖糖虫 拐杖糖群红色糖果块下有4个拐杖糖虫刷怪箱。
Crusilisk Spawner 镇压者刷怪箱 镇压者 镇压者暗穴中有2个镇压者刷怪箱。
Dawnlight Spawner 曙光刷怪箱 曙光 曙光地牢中有2个曙光刷怪箱。
Daysee Spawner 天见刷怪箱 天见 白开夜合由4个天见刷怪箱组成。
Diocus Spawner 爆裂兽刷怪箱 爆裂兽 传说兽穴的爆裂兽变种中有2个爆裂兽刷怪箱。
Enforcer Spawner 实施者刷怪箱 实施者 实施者之塔中有2个实施者刷怪箱,黄金走廊1黄金走廊2中有1个实施者刷怪箱。
Exohead Spawner 磁头刷怪箱 磁头 长骨地牢的上半部分中有1个磁头刷怪箱。
Faceless Floater Spawner 无面漂浮者刷怪箱 无面漂浮者 无面之树中有4个无面漂浮者刷怪箱。
Fenix Spawner 菲尼克斯刷怪箱 菲尼克斯 不朽之地的第六个房间中有菲尼克斯刷怪箱。
Flesh Eater Spawner 嗜肉魔刷怪箱 嗜肉魔 嗜肉魔之庙中有2个嗜肉魔刷怪箱。
Flowerface Spawner 菊花刷怪箱 菊花 远古神殿大厅柱子中有菊花刷怪箱。
Fungock Spawner 真菌戈克刷怪箱 真菌戈克 真菌屋中有2个真菌戈克刷怪箱。
Ghastus Spawner 恶魂体刷怪箱 恶魂体 不朽之地的第八个房间中的一根大柱子中有恶魂体的刷怪箱。
Gingerbird Spawner 姜鸟刷怪箱 姜鸟 Four Gingerbird Spawners appear inside each Gingerbird Aviary.
Gingerbread Man Spawner 姜饼人刷怪箱 姜饼人 Two Gingerbead Man Spawners can be found inside a Gingerbead House.
Goldum Spawner 掺金傀儡刷怪箱 掺金傀儡 Spawners that spawn Goldums appear in the 2nd room of Immortallis, in a pillar down the hall, to the right, of the entrance.
Goldus Spawner 纯金傀儡刷怪箱 纯金傀儡 Two Goldus Spawners appear in pillars in the 6th room of Immortallis. The pillars are located near the Immortallis Progressor.
Inmate X Spawner 囚犯X刷怪箱 囚犯X Two Inmate X spawners can appear inside every Lunar Prison. The spawners exist inside jail cells, and there is one spawner on each side of the prison.
Inmate Y Spawner 囚犯Y刷怪箱 囚犯Y Two Inmate Y Spawners can be found inside every Lunar Prison. The spawners are found in a jail cell, and there is one spawner on each side of the prison structure.
Iosaur Spawner 绿恐龙刷怪箱 绿恐龙 传说兽穴的绿恐龙变种中有2个绿恐龙刷怪箱。
Jawe Spawner 深渊蹒跚者刷怪箱 深渊蹒跚者 A single Jawe spawner can appear in the center of a Jawe Hut.
Kaiyu Spawner 开宇刷怪箱 开宇 One Kaiyu Spawner can be found at the bottommost room of a Kaiyu Temple.
Lightwalker Spawner 光明步行者刷怪箱 光明步行者 Two Lightwalker Spawners can appear in the Lightwalker variant of a Shyrelands Underground Dungeon.
Luxocron Spawner 洛梵刷怪箱 洛梵 Two Luxocron Spawners can be found in the Luxocron variant of a Shyrelands Underground Dungeon.
Mechyon Spawner 机甲羊刷怪箱 机甲羊 Mechyon Spawners can appear in Mechyon Temples, Iro Passage 1, and Iro Passage 2. In the last two structures, there is one Mechyon Spawner in the structure.
Merkyre Spawner 默克刷怪箱 默克 Two Merkyre Spawners can be found at the top of a Merkyre Tower.
Mermage Spawner 海灵法师刷怪箱 海灵法师 Two Mermage Spawners can be found on the second floor of an Aquatic Castle.
Mushroom Spider Spawner 真菌蜘蛛刷怪箱 真菌蜘蛛 A Mushroom Spider Spawner can appear in the center of a Mushroom Spider Cave.
Nethengeic Beast Spawner 纳德吉克兽刷怪箱 纳德吉克兽 A Nethengeic Beast Spawner can appear in the center of a Nethengeic Pit.
Nightmare Spider Spawner 噩梦蜘蛛刷怪箱 噩梦蜘蛛 Two Nightmare Spider Spawners can be found on the second floor of a Haunted Castle, towards the back two corners, near the staircases to the third floor (one near each staircase).
Nightwing Spawner 夜鹰刷怪箱 夜鹰 A single spawner can appear on top of the Nightwing Island.
Opteryx Spawner 弹跳鸟刷怪箱 弹跳鸟 A single spawner can appear in the center of an Opteryx Nest.
Paravite Spawner 寄生虫刷怪箱 寄生虫 Paravite Spawners can appear inside a Paravite Hive.
Phantom Spawner 幻象刷怪箱 幻象 A single Phantom Spawner can appear on the 2nd floor of a Haunted Castle, towards the front of the room (near the staircases leading back to the first floor).
Pod Plant Spawner 豌豆荚刷怪箱 豌豆荚 Two Pod Plant Spawners can be found on the ground floor of a Garden Castle, one on each side of the structure.
Rawbone Spawner 生骨刷怪箱 生骨 Rawbone Spawners can be found in the bottom half of a Boney Dungeon.
Reaver Spawner 侵袭者刷怪箱 侵袭者 Reaver Spawners can be found inside a pillar in the 2nd room of Immortallis. The pillar is to the left of the entrance.
Refluct Spawner 反射者刷怪箱 反射者 Two Refluct Spawners can be found on the inside of a Space Arena.
Rock Critter Spawner 岩石蜘蛛刷怪箱 岩石蜘蛛 远古神殿大厅柱子中有岩石蜘蛛刷怪箱。
Runic Golem Spawner 符文傀儡刷怪箱 符文傀儡 Two Runic Golem Spawners can be found on opposite sides inside a Runic Arena.
Runic Guardian Spawner 符文守护者刷怪箱 符文守护者 Two Runic Guardian Spawners can be found on the 1st floor of a Clunkhead Arena. The first spawner is in the wall, next to the stairs leading up the 2nd floor. The 2nd spawner is in a wall near the Recreation Station.
Seeker Spawner 搜索者刷怪箱 搜索者 Seeker Spawners can be found in Guardian Towers.
Shavo Spawner 傀儡兽刷怪箱 傀儡兽 Shavo Spawners can be found in the 6th room of Immortallis. They appear in a big pillar high up in the room, as well as in the walls of the passages above the room.
Shyre Troll Spawner 塞尔瑞哥布林刷怪箱 塞尔瑞哥布林 Two Shyre Troll Spawners can be found inside the Shyre Troll variant of a Shyrelands Underground Dungeon.
Skeledon Spawner 骷髅傀儡H刷怪箱 骷髅傀儡H Skeledon Spawners can be found in the 4th room of Immortallis. They appear in a big pillars in the front-center of the room.
Skelekyte Spawner 骷髅傀儡Y刷怪箱 骷髅傀儡Y Skelekyte Spawners can be found in the 4th room of Immortallis. They appear in two pillars in the back corner of the room.
Soulscorne Spawner 灵魂法尔刷怪箱 灵魂法尔 Four Soulscorne Spawners appear in the center of a Soulscorne Ambush.
Spectral Wizard Spawner 光灵巫师刷怪箱 光灵巫师 Spectral Wizard Spawners can be found in Spectral Cages.
Spinoledon Spawner 刺背龙刷怪箱 刺背龙 传说兽穴的刺背龙变种中有2个刺背龙刷怪箱。
Surveyor Spawner 勘测者刷怪箱 勘测者 Surveyor Spawners can be found in Guardian Towers.
Tharafly Spawner 变异蝙蝠刷怪箱 变异蝙蝠 Tharafly Spawners can appear in Baron Castles.
Undead Troll Spawner 不死巨怪刷怪箱 不死巨怪 Undead Troll Spawners can be found on the top level of a Haunted Castle.
Urioh Spawner 尤赖厄刷怪箱 尤赖厄 Urioh Spawners are found in the 2nd room of Immortallis, in a pillar to the right of the entrance.
Urv Spawner 独臂傀儡刷怪箱 独臂傀儡 Urv Spawners can be found in a big pillar in the center of the 8th room in Immortallis.
Vine Wizard Spawner 藤蔓巫师刷怪箱 藤蔓巫师 A Vine Wizard Spawner can be found in the stem of a Wizard Flower.
Visage Spawner 面孔刷怪箱 面孔 Two Visage Spawners are found in the 8th room of Immortallis. They are found inside pillars, each on the opposite side of the room from one another, down two corridors.
Volar Spawner 天界浮游者刷怪箱 天界浮游者 Volar Spawners can be found in Guardian Towers.
Zarg Spawner 扎尔格刷怪箱 扎尔格 A single Zarg Spawner can be found inside a Zarg Planetoid, buried underneath Lunasole Dirt.
Zhinx Spawner 间线刷怪箱 间线 Zhinx Spawners can be found in the bottom room in Zhinx Enclaves.
Zorp Spawner 卓普刷怪箱 卓普 Two Zorp Spawners can be found on the top of a Zarg Planetoid, as a part of the trees.

用途[ | ]


在Advent of Ascension中,刷怪箱的机制与Minecraft中的刷怪笼机制相同。它们有着不同的颜色和材质,这取决于刷怪箱生成的生物。在刷怪箱上使用刷怪蛋可以改变刷怪箱生成的生物。

历史[ | ]

版本 信息
1.0 加入了安佛比亚,纳德吉克兽,搜索者,勘测者,天界浮游者,嗜肉魔,开宇,爆裂兽,绿恐龙,刺背龙,女妖,幻象,噩梦蜘蛛,不死巨怪和符文傀儡的刷怪箱。
1.1 加入了曙光,实施者,机甲羊,囚犯X,囚犯Y,藤蔓巫师,豌豆荚,无面漂浮者,光灵巫师,符文守护者,海灵法师,艾菲莉亚,变异蝙蝠,默克和夜鹰的刷怪箱。
2.0 加入了磁头,生骨,寄生虫,间线,自动机怪,血之吮吸者,菊花,岩石蜘蛛和深渊蹒跚者的刷怪箱。
2.3 加入了姜鸟,姜饼人,拐杖糖虫,弹跳鸟和真菌戈克的刷怪箱。
2.4 加入了侵袭者,尤赖厄,纯金傀儡,骷髅傀儡Y,骷髅傀儡H,掺金傀儡,傀儡兽,菲尼克斯,恶魂体,独臂傀儡,面孔,超级守护者,声频滤波器,消逝者,百夫长,波塞冬,飓风,瓦塞尔,镇压者,天见,雷沃,反射者,扎尔格,卓普和真菌蜘蛛的刷怪箱。
Tslat 1.1 加入了电弧巫师,灵魂法尔,塞尔瑞哥布林,洛梵和光明步行者的刷怪箱。
3.0 刷怪箱现在可以用刷怪蛋来改变生成的生物。
